We strive for a smooth transition for our Newfoundland Puppies.
When bringing your Newfoundland puppy home from Moore Newfies, there are a few things that need to be done! It is very important to us that our puppies stay healthy and well cared for, as a breeder it is my responsibility to assist my puppy parents however possible. I have compiled the following helpful links to aid you in each task. Click the title of the task that you would like to accomplish and a link will take you to the website needed to do just that.
I always make it a point to express the importance of registering your Newfoundland puppy’s microchip, if you do not register the microchip it is of no use…. The only way that AKC Reunite can contact you if your puppy is found is through the contact information you provide them with when you register the microchip. This is very, very important!
There are many health benefits added and sustained when administering this probiotic to the daily diet of your Newfoundland dog. I have used multiple different probiotics and Nova is by far the superior choice based on the results that I have seen in my Newfoundland dogs and their puppies. All probiotics are not created equal, most can not even live through the digestive process of a dog which makes them useless. When used daily, these are some of benefits that these specific probiotics can provide:
~ improving the breakdown of food in the digestive system to help the absorption of nutrients
~ reduces diarrhea, flatulence & bloating (reducing the risk of bloat)
~ helps prevent and heal infections
~ erase the negative effects of using antibiotics and also helps prevent the need for antibiotics by keeping good bacteria at a healthy level
~ reduces the effects of stress
~ kill toxins to help detoxify blood – purifying organs
~ help ease the transition to a new food
~ reduce fecal and urine smells
~ better overall health extending the lifespan
We recommend the maintenance formula. Make sure you are following the dosing instructions, you want to make sure your Newfoundland is receiving the maximum benefits possible. Nova has excellent customer service, do not hesitate to contact them with questions on their products.
There are many health benefits gained when introducing wild caught salmon oil to your Newfoundlands daily diet, males and females alike; immune system support, joint health, healthy skin and coat, support for nerve based functions such as vision and cognition, aids in cardiovascular health, high levels of DHA and EPA which reduce inflammation and increase healing as well as restore energy.
When you pick up your Newfoundland Puppy from Moore Newfies you will receive it’s AKC registration application, this link will take you to the page to get that registration started if you want to complete the registration online instead of by mail. Have the AKC registration application handy as you will need the information on the form to complete the online registration for your Newfoundland puppy.
When thinking about the best possible diet for your dog, think about what they would naturally eat in the wild. Anderson’s Natural Pet Foods is by far the best food I have found, as it really is nutritionally complete. Some of the health benefits are a healthier stool that is smaller in size and drier/tighter making it much easier to clean up, decreased eye boogers, healthier coat, decreased feeding quantities because the dogs are nutritionally satisfied, increased life span with improved daily health. Dan has distributors all over the front range and working on expanding, there is a distributor locator on his website as well as a ton of wonderful information on the raw diet.
We are located in Palisade, CO which is a short and very gorgeous almost four hour drive from Denver, CO. Please feel free to give us a call or send us an email with any questions you may have about our available Newfoundland puppies for sale! As always, we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Sarah Gray
(970) 560-0683
email: moorenewfies@yahoo.com
Palisade, Colorado